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海南(昌江)清潔能源高新技術產業園簡介 Hainan (Changjiang) Clean Energy High-tech Industrial Park

責任編輯:嚴燕紅 2023-11-24 17:01:47 來源:香港商報網

    發展依托海南核電大力發展與核關聯及延伸的新能源、新材料為主導的清潔能源產業,是深 入貫徹落實習近平總書記「4·13」重要講話和中央12號文件精神的重要舉措,是海南服務國家重大戰略、建設清潔能源島的關鍵之舉。近年來,昌江縣大力推進核電及其關聯產業發展,形成組織機構完善、基礎配套健全、發展環境優良、產業集群初顯的產業格局,為建立清潔能源產業園 區奠定了堅實基礎。

    2021年6月4日,經省政府同意,海南(昌江)清潔能源高新技術產業園納入省級產業園區,歸類為高新技術產業園,行業指導部門為省發展改革委。2021年7月2日,省政府辦公廳正式發布 《海南省高新技術產業「十四五」發展規劃》,明確提出著力構築「兩區、三城、六園」的產業空 間格局,其中「六園」指的是海口江東新區、老城經濟開發區、海南(昌江)清潔能源高新技術產 業園三個綜合性園區和海南生態軟件園、海口復興城互聯網信息產業園、陵水清水灣信息產業園 三個數字經濟園區,進一步明確海南(昌江)清潔能源高新技術產業園的功能定位。





Hainan (Changjiang) Clean Energy High-tech Industrial Park

Relying on nuclear power plant, Changjiang will vigorously develop the clean energy industry dominated by new energy and new materials related to nuclear power and its extension. It is an important measure to thoroughly implement the spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping on April 13,2018 and the 12th Document of the Central Government. It is also a key move to serve the national major strategy and build Hainan into a clean energy island. In recent years, Changjiang County has vigorously promoted the development of nuclear power and its related industries, forming an industrial pattern with perfect organization, sound    infrastructure, excellent development environment and emerging industrial clusters, laying a  solid foundation for the establishment of clean energy industrial parks.

On June 4, 2021, with the approval of the provincial government, Hainnan (Changjiang) Clean Energy High-tech Industrial park was incorporated into the provincial industrial park,  categorized as a high-tech industrial park, with the provincial development and reform commission as the industry guiding department. On July 2nd, 2021, the General Office of the Provincial Government officially issued the“14th Five-Year Development Plan for Hainan High-tech Industrial”,clearly proposing to build an industrial spatial pattern of“two districts, three cities and six parks”. The“six parks”refer to three comprehensive industrial parks:  Haikou Jiangdong New District, Old Town Economic Development Zone, Hainan (Changjiang) Clean Energy High-tech Industrial Park, and three digital economic parks: Hainan Ecological Software Park, Haikou Fuxingcheng Internet Information Industrial Park, and Lingshui Qingshui Bay Information Industrial Park, further clarifying the functional position of Hainan (Changjiang) Clean Energy High-tech Industrial Park.

In accordance with the integrated development concept of“science, industry, city and people”, the industrial park supports service formats such as scientific research, education,medical treatment and business. According to the “one industrial park and multiple districts”mode of planning and layout,the industrial park highlights dominant industries and pays attention to industrial cooperation and supporting facilities, aiming to build a characteristic industrial park of Hainan Free Trade Port.

The park has complete water, electricity and gas facilities.

This pilot zone, together with State Grid and Hainan Nuclear Power, is exploring the implementation of "special line incremental distribution network power supply" and "direct power supply" for enterprises, so as to reduce electricity costs for them. The new-built Taipo sewage treatment Plant and wetland program has been put into operation, with the near-term treatment capacity of 3,000 tons/day and the long-term treatment capacity of 10,000 tons/day. The natural gas pipeline from Haikou to Dongfang will be connected to supply gas.


責任編輯:嚴燕紅 海南(昌江)清潔能源高新技術產業園簡介 Hainan (Changjiang) Clean Energy High-tech Industrial Park


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