
-- 天氣
看不盡的浪漫 | 世界在深圳 ⑦

看不盡的浪漫 | 世界在深圳 ⑦

責任編輯:黃鶯 2023-11-28 18:01:09 來源:香港商報網


 How do expatriates live their life and start a business in Shenzhen? What is Shenzhen like in their eyes? 「The World in Shenzhen」 will share with you their Shenzhen stories.

 本集講述加拿大工程師的宋丹龍(Dan Schoonhoven)的公園情懷。他2018年來到深圳後,在一家石油公司擔任工程師和海上鑽井監督。閒暇時間,他從一個公園走向另一個公園,或許是踏足深圳公園最多的人之一。從小就喜歡植物的他,還在自家陽臺建立與花草的親密關係。他說深圳就是一座花園城市,到處都充滿了綠色。他深愛著這塊色彩繽紛的土地,希望未來能和女朋友一起在這裏天長地久。

 This episode will share with viewers Canadian engineer Dan Schoonhoven’s love for parks. Schoonhoven relocated to Shenzhen in 2008 to work as an engineer and offshore drilling supervisor for an oil company. Perhaps one of those who have set foot in most parks in Shenzhen, Schoonhoven spends his spare time visiting parks one after another. He says he has been specially fond of plants since childhood and has grown flowers and plants at his own balcony. In his eyes, Shenzhen is a garden city full of green plants. Schoonhoven says he has been deeply in love with this colorful city and hopes to settle down here with his girlfriend.

責任編輯:黃鶯 看不盡的浪漫 | 世界在深圳 ⑦


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